Your Property Specialists

Selling Your House - Step by Step Guide

Calling all home owners!

Sunday, 26 August 2018 - Guide
Selling Your House - Step by Step Guide

Are you interested in selling your property and in need of good advice?
Here is our easy, step by step guide....

First of all - Don’t Panic! Study your house documents and make sure you have everything you need. This can be a little daunting – especially with everything in a foreign language! If you don’t understand Portuguese, you can speak to your lawyer or architect or someone you know who speaks good Portuguese - or come to us and we can help and support you.

In order to sell your property you do need the following documents:

  • Certidão Permanente (company owned)  or Registo Predial (privately owned)/Property Registration Certificate – Obtained from the Conservatória do Registo Predial /Land Registry Department.
  • Caderneta Predial – Property Tax Document – Obtained from Finanças/Finance Department.
  • Alvará/Licença de Utilização ou Construção or Document if Pre 1951 – Habitation licence or building permission – Obtained from the Câmara Municipal/Local Town Hall
  • Certificação Energética/Energy Certificate – Qualified Portuguese company - Obtained via Pesquisa de Técnicos - Sistema de Certificação Energética dos Edifícios (
  • Ficha Técnica (If construction is after March 2004) – Obtained from the Câmara Municipal.
  • Fiscal Number (personal tax number), Identity Card or Passport.
  • Floor plans (can be obtained from your architect, the Camara Municipal, or drawn up by an architect). If changes have been made or are going to be made, they must be approved by the Câmara Municipal and be up-to-date).

Make a copy of all important house documents for your Real Estate Agent, never give any originals to anybody - unless it is your lawyer. The agents need a completed and signed contract by law - and these must have all of the relevant documents to be filled in on the contract.

Get a professional valuation of your property - We offer advice on this, free of charge.

Search for the right real estate agency with a good reputation – one who has been in business for a long time and is proven to be successful. Do not use more than 3 real estate agents at a time because your property will be shown on the internet and real estate portals with similar photos and descriptions. This looks desperate and is not good for your sale. Take advantage of agents who offer special services and excellent marketing for the sale of your property.

Get your house ready to sell - that means it has to look attractive, clean, painted and nice. It is always better to have the house furnished. An empty house does not look inviting and the clients need something to get the ideas flowing, but by the same token, a cluttered house can also be off-putting. You may love your nic-nacs and think your collection of antique bedpans looks great but take our advice - tuck them out of the way for any photo shoots!

Pretend you are a client  - then it will make things much easier for the sale. Have floor plans and location plans ready for the agent and clients. There are so many properties for sale on the market, you need to get ahead of the competition and make sure that your property looks the best!

Communicate with your agent - inform him about offers from other agents and keep him up-to-date with the current situation, especially if your property is rented.  Agents need to know when there are changeover days, in order for them to actually gain access to show your property. Honesty and good communication are the basis for a perfect relationship between owner and agent. The agent is spending time and money for your property via adverts, portals, press releases, articles, plus legwork and fuel.  Always give, all important information regarding the sale of your property.

When you have signed a Promissory Contract - take the property off the market and inform your agents.  Please be aware: Only a signed Promissory Contract filled in by a lawyer is a binding document, nothing else.

Good luck! We look forward to meeting you.

Your team at Togofor-Homes, Lda.

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